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Dripper V60 - Hario - Cafés du Monde
Dripper V60 - Hario - Cafés du Monde
Dripper V60 - Hario - Cafés du Monde
Dripper V60 - Hario - Cafés du Monde
Dripper V60 - Hario - Cafés du Monde

Ceramic Dripper v60 Black


With its spiral cone and thin filter, the V60 is an iconic dripper that offers high-quality filter extractions!

In a cup, you’ll enjoy very lively, aromatic coffees with plenty of body. An extraction between harmony of body and aromas.



1 / Place your V60® above a cup or carafe.

2 / Add the filter, natural or white, and using a pouring kettle, rinse it with hot water.

3 / Wait until the filter is completely drained. Discard the water.

4 / Add the quantity of ground coffee to the filter.

Size : Medium. Too fine a grind will increase the body, when a
Grinding too coarse will cause the water to flow too quickly and bring out the acidity of the coffee.

Quantity : between 7 and 10 g per 100 ml of water to measure with the Hario spoon sold with the V60.

5 / Pour the water in two stages. Be careful, it must not be completely boiling.

The water :Non-boiling (90-95°C), filtered or sourced if possible (Volvic type).

6 / First extraction: slowly pour the water into the center of the V60®, wetting all the coffee.

7 / Wait 30 seconds to cover the coffee with water without it passing through the filter.

8 / Remove the filter and enjoy!



Hario is a Japanese brand existing since 1921 and specialized in high quality glass. Nicknamed "The Kings of Glass", they took part in the growing interest in specialty coffees and developed a unique range of tools and coffee makers dedicated to the preparation of coffee.



Hario is a Japanese brand existing since 1921 and specialized in high quality glass. Nicknamed "The Kings of Glass", they took part in the growing interest in specialty coffees and developed a unique range of tools and coffee makers dedicated to the preparation of coffee.

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