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Bellavista- Mexico - Cafés du Monde ©



Originally from the Chiapas region, this coffee has a very balanced body. The cup first reveals fine fruity and acid notes, which give way to a more chocolaty, smoky touch on the finish.

Flavors of peach and lemon mingle with a light hint of Havana tobacco, making it very enjoyable. 

This coffee features  remarkable flavor complexity and leaves a lasting impression.

100% Arabica


Aromas: Peach, Lemon & Havana Tobacco

Cup : Fruity & Smoky

Profile : Balance

Preparation : All methods


Country : Mexico

Species : Arabica

Variety : Caracoli

Producer: Walter Peters

Territory: 1120 m / Tropical forest

Cultivation method: Biological

Type of harvest: Manual

Process: Wash

100% local roasting on demand

Direct link with producers

Produit Bio

Expert in speciality coffee

Reusable capsule

Discovering the producer

In 1967, Walter Peters, pioneer of biodynamic agriculture, exported his first organic coffee beans to Europe from his farm, Finca Irlanda. He was then one of the first to renounce the productivist wave, cultivating his plants without any chemical input.

Located in the Chiapa , there Finca Ireland , peaks at more than 1000 meters above sea level and is home to rich biodiversity being located in a 50 hectare nature reserve.

The farm has developed, with the help of Emerson University in England, its own educational and medical infrastructure in a particularly difficult-to-access area.

Recently, the farm saw the opening of a training center for the transmission of organic agricultural practices, highlighting the use of compost, natural insect control and the preservation of waterways.

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